Friday, August 30, 2013

Friday, August 30, 2013

Good Morning Academy, May I have your attention please?                 Thank you.
Today is Friday August 30, 2013.

Remember students are to remain outside or in the breakfast area until the school doors open at 8:15. Any students entering the school campus before 8:15 will receive a referral.
Today’s lunch options include:
Teriyaki Chicken
Fish Tacos
Spaghetti with meat sauce and cheese
Egg salad sandwich on whole wheat

If the option you want is not available please choose a different option.
The periods today are 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.
Students, make sure that all electronics are off and put away.
Students, please stand so that your teachers can check that your free dress is appropriate.

Don't forget, volleyball tryouts start today for 8th graders! If you are interested in trying out for the volleyball team, the tryouts will be:
·       Today, for 8th graders
·       Tuesday, Sept 3rd for 7th graders
·       Wednesday, Sept 4th for 6th graders
All tryouts will run from 3:45 to 5:45pm in the gym. If you have any questions, or have not picked up a registration form yet, please see Ms. Perkins in Room 207.

Any students interested in our lunch time intramural Flag football season sign ups are located in the first quad.
Have a fabulous Friday a fabulous weekend and remember there is no school on Monday due to the Labor Day holiday!

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Good Morning Academy, May I have your attention please?                 Thank you.

Today is Thursday August 29, 2013.

Remember students are to remain outside or in the breakfast area until the school doors open at 8:15. Any students entering the school campus before 8:15 will receive a referral.

Todays lunch options include:
Sweet and Sour Chicken
Chicken and cheese enchilada
Breaded Oven Fried chicken with corn on the cob
Smoked Turkey Ham on a Loco Bread

If the option you want is not available please choose a different option.

The periods today are 3, 4, 5, 7, 6, and 1.
Students, make sure that all electronics are off and put away.

Students, please stand and remove your outerwear so that your teachers can check that you are uniform compliant.

Don't forget, volleyball tryouts start this Friday for 8th graders! If you are interested in trying out for the volleyball team, the tryouts will be:
·       Friday, August 30th for 8th graders
·       Tuesday, Sept 3rd for 7th graders
·       Wednesday, Sept 4th for 6th graders
All tryouts will run from 3:45 to 5:45pm in the gym. If you have any questions, or have not picked up a registration form yet, please see Ms. Perkins in Room 207.

Any students interested in our lunch time intramural Flag football season sign ups are located in the first quad.

Students you all did such a great job this week you have earned free dress tomorrow

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Good Morning Academy, May I have your attention please?                 Thank you.

Today is Wednesday, August 28, 2013.

Reminder all students need to remain outside or in the breakfast area until the school doors open at 8:15.

Today we will have periods seven, six, one, and two.

Lunch today may include:
Spicy and Hot chicken
Beef Taco Salad with Tortilla chips
Turvey gravy with mashed potatoes and a roll
Tuna salad on a croissant roll or

There is a limited supply of each. So if something is gone by the time you get there do not give Ms Indiah a hard time and please choose a different option.               

Students, make sure that all electronics are off and put away.

Please stand and remove your outerwear, so that your teacher can check that you are uniform compliant.

All students interested in trying out for the Volleyball team, please see Ms. Perkins in Room 207 during lunch this week to pick up tryout information. Volleyball is co-ed and there will be both an A and B team. We encourage students from all grade levels to try out, even if you've never played before.