Good Morning Academy, May I have your attention please? Thank you.
Today is Thursday October 31, 2013
Today’s lunch options include:
Sweet and Sour Chicken
Chicken and cheese enchilada
Polish Dog, Pickle Spear and Oven fries
Smoked Ham and cheese on a loco bread panini
If the option you want is not available please choose a different option.
The periods today are 3, 4, 5, 7, 6, 1.
Students, make sure that all electronics are off and put away.
Teachers, please check that you’re students are all uniform compliant. Remember we do not allow costumes or Halloween related accessories of any kind. Anything we deem inappropriate may be confiscated.
Lunch time activities:
Latino Club in 113 at lunch
Flag Football game between Team Capri Sun and Team Kool Aid! Players please grab your lunches quickly and report to the blacktop by 12:50.
Thank you and have a great Thursday!