Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Good Morning Academy, May I have your attention please?  Thank you.

Today is Wednesday January 8, 2014

Today’s lunch options include:
Spicy and Hot Chicken
Chicken Patty
Chicken Salad Sandwich
Beef Taco Salad

The periods today are 7, 5, 6, 1, and 2
Students, make sure that all electronics are off and put away.

Teachers please make sure all students are uniform compliant

Yearbooks still available for $30. Buy in the office or online at

Boys basketball tryouts will be held next week. 6th grade on Monday, 7th grade on Tuesday, 8th grade on Wednesday. Please bring athletic footwear and apparel, a water bottle, your "A" game, and a good attitude to the tryout. Each day's tryout will start promptly at 3:40. Please be on time.

Thank and will all 6th grade advisories please make your way to the gym!

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