Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Tuesday May 6, 2014

Good Morning Academy, May I have your attention please?  Thank you!

Today is Tuesday May 6, 2014

Today's lunch options are:
Beef Teriyaki
Breaded Oven Fried Chicken
Bean and Cheese Burrito
Beef Meatball Sandwich

The periods today are 6, 1, 2, 7, 3, and 4.
Students, make sure that all electronics are off and put away.

Teachers please make sure all students are uniform compliant. 
Students it is your responsibility to come to school in uniform. Plain black t-shirts and jean jackets are NOT uniform. At this point in the year if you come out of uniform you will receive an after school detention and some of your end of the year privileges may be lost. 

Current WEB leaders just a reminder that you have a meeting today at lunch in Rm 218.

There will be a soccer game today during lunch between Team Gold Rush and Team Wiley Coyotes.

Attention 7th graders. It's time to select our WEB leaders for next year! Be sure to get an application from your tutorial teacher if you are interested. If you have any questions see Mr Chris or Ms Hewitt. Applications are due by Friday. 

The deadline for the Math Achievement Academy application has been extended to Wednesday, May 7th. If you are an 8th grader entering Algebra next year and would like to participate in this free summer program, be sure to submit your application to Ms. Perkins in Room 207 by lunch on Wednesday.

AOA Students! You are invited to Dance with the Stars! What stars, you ask? Well, you of course! Come to the Dancing with the Stars dance on May 16th dressed as your favorite star from movies, sports, music, or whatever you can think of! There will be a costume contest for the best individual costume AND the best group costume! There will also be snacks for sale, a game corner, and photos.  Ticket sales will begin on Friday May 9th at lunch. Pre-sale price is only $3, but if you wait until the day of the dance the price will go up to $5. Don't miss out on our last all grades dance of the year!

Thank you have a terrific Tuesday!

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