Monday, February 22, 2016

Monday February 22, 2016

Good morning Academy! May I have your attention please?   Thank You!

Today is Monday February 22, 2016

The periods today are: 1-5

The lunch options today include:
Turkey LT club
Chili Cheese Dog
Kung Pao Chicken

Students please make sure that your cell phones are off and put away.

It is now time for our uniform check. Students please remove your outer wear so that your teacher can check that you are in uniform.

Teachers please send down any students who are not in uniform.

We will be cleaning out the lost and found at the end of the week. If you think you are missing anything jacket, water bottle, pants, books, please look through the lost and found by Friday. 

Congrats to the AoA ultimate frisbee team who played at Ocean Beach in San Francisco this past weekend.  They played hard and had fun in the sun.  Maddie Macaskill won the "Spirit of the Game" award for the U14 division!  Great work ultimate players!!  If you are interested in joining the ultimate team, please contact Ms. Black.

For those of you who signed up for lunch time ultimate frisbee the rosters and game schedule is posted on the sports board outside of the office.

Girls Inc will be holding a Science Action Club here at AoA Thursdays during tutorial. Girls who are interested in learning more and signing up flyers and sign ups are on the bulletin board outside of the office. 

The Golden Sneaker contest starts today.  This two week contest involves students tracking how you get to school. The class with highest percentage of walking, biking, taking the bus or carpooling in each grade wins a pizza party and the class with the highest percentage in the school wins a free dress day and the Golden Sneaker Trophy. 

Thank you and have a marvelous Monday! 

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